Feb 27, 2013

A Fox's Winter Tale


Inspired by the image from the previous post, I boarded a story that follows something like this:

Once Upon A Time there was a fox
And Everyday he searched for food but could never find enough
until one day he encountered a natural disaster that forced him to change his routine
and because of this, he encountered a baby and tried to save it from being killed by a bear
and because of this, the forest spirit came to thank him since it was her baby. The fox was adorned with a leaf on his forehead as a sign of forever friendship from the forest.
and ever since that day, the fox always had plenty to eat and someone to play with.

Feb 26, 2013

Tracing an Inspiration

A trace from a French drawing in what I could only assume was a children's book. Thinking of ways to turn this into a story.


  • Fox raises baby (Jungle Book, Princess Mononoke)
  • Fox leaves baby and another creature comes
  • Fox has to choose between baby and its own cubs
  • We are in a magical world and these are not just foxes and babies but creatures of magic and imagination
  • Reversal of fox and human: Fox goes through the forest finding interesting things, the climax is when he finds this baby, and comes back everyday to feed it. Then one day the baby is no longer there. He searches everywhere and puts up notices looking for this baby. He finds out it's been taken to a nearby orphanage and tries to free the baby. He succeeds, but at a great cost.Turns out the baby isn't really a baby but the next generation of the forest spirit.  The current tree spirit thanks the Fox by making his spirit a part of the forest.

Feb 20, 2013

Storyboard: Lindsay

This story revolves around family and loss. The attempt was to use the storyboards to create a moment. Feedback on revisions below:

*Special thanks to Louis Gonzales

Feb 18, 2013

Storyboards for a Mock Commercial

I was going through some old files and found a storyboard of a mock commercial I did. Unfortunately I can't post the final video since it's under NDA, but it's nice to remember that even back then I thought this was fun.

Storyboards for 'House on Maple Hill'

House on Maple Hill.

I created this story about a girl who moves to a new neighborhood. When she finally grows to love her new house and neighborhood, she has to move away again. The house decides to follow her, but realized it can't go into the City. The house settles on a hill. Years later, when the girl is older, she finds this house on a hill while she's looking to buy a home with her fiancé.

Storyboards for Retrofit

Fall 2011. Retrofit for a scene from Tenacious D.
My drawn storyboards are below:


Eren Song
Jingyi Feng
Jack Liu
Josephine Tsay
Steven Jones

Storyboards for a Game Trailer ('Dead Island')

From Fall 2011. 

The idea is to establish a pre-production pipeline, including storyboards and notes for a game trailer, that would then get passed to another team to actually film.

The storyboards I created for this project:

Example gameplay:



Male lover
Female lover
Man checking in
Hotel Person

Location - SpringHill Suites on Southside, CMU pool, or Carson Street
Commons apartments
Live Zombie - make-up from Halloween store
Falling Zombie - stuffed zombie (make zombie dummy), zombie costume
from Halloween store with stuffed pillows
Falling shot - shot from the window, then cut to the zombie dummy on the floor
Men's costume - casual
dead body parts - can use someone hidden behind the door or a
mannequin from the prop room

Graphic style: High contrast


Eren Song
Jingyi Feng
Jack Liu
Josephine Tsay
Steven Jones

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Ⓒ Josephine Tsay 2013

* If you like what you see, please contact me. Do not reproduce without expressed written consent